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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) defines a couple of roles that BLE devices can operate in. Two of these roles are a central role and a peripheral role. A device that is operating in the central role initiates establishment of a physical connection. On the contrary, a device that is operating in the peripheral role accepts a connection request from another device.

Android app can take the central role by using BleConnection API.

Quick Start

1. Initialize BLESS

Initialize BLESS library in your Android app to use its connection API.


2. Instantiate BleConnection

Instantiate BleConnection by calling appropriate method in Bless object.

val remoteDeviceAddress = "00:11:22:33:AA:BB"
val connection = Bless.createBleConnection(remoteDeviceAddress)

3. Register listener

Register a listener that inherits BleConnection.Listener


4. Connect

Now you can connect and listen for events


Reconnectable connection

Create a BleConnection with a reconnection logic.

val connection = Bless.createBleConnection(
    arrayOf(1, 3, 5),

When a BLE connection drops, the reconnection logic will try to reconnect 3 times with 1, 3, and 5 seconds delay between attempts.