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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) defines a couple of roles that BLE devices can operate in. Two of these roles are a broadcaster role and an observer role. A device that is operating in the broadcaster role transmits advertising events periodically. On the contrary, a device that is operating in the observer role receives the advertising events.

If an Android app wants to receive the advertising events, and take the observer role, it needs to start BLE scanning.


BleScanner is the central API for BLE scanning in Android. Retreive the scanner object anywhere from your app by doing the following.

val scanner = Bless.bleScanner

Start scanning by calling startScan method. Make sure that your app holds a location permission.

val filter = ScanFilter.empty()
val settings = ScanSettings.default()
val callback = MyScanCallback()
scanner.startScan(filter, settings, callback)

Use ScanFilter for filtering the scan results, and ScanSettings for configuring scanning.

ScanCallback is used for receiving scan results.

class MyScanCallback : ScanCallback<ScanResult> {

    override fun onScanFailed(errorCode: Int) {
        // Report the error

    override fun onScanResult(result: ScanResult) {
        // New scan result

Stop scanning by calling stopScan on BleScanner object.



Deserialization is a feature that enables converting ScanResult to a client defined data type.

Implement Deserializer interface and pass the deserializer object in startScan method.

val addressDeserializer = object : Deserializer<String> {

    override fun deserialize(scanResult: ScanResult): String? {
        return scanResult.device.address
val callback = object : ScanCallback<String> {

    override fun onScanFailed(errorCode: Int) {
        // Report the error

    override fun onScanResult(result: String) {
        // New address
scanner.startScan(filter, settings, addressDeserializer, callback)

Additionally, Deserializer object can be used for advanced filtering. If deserialize method returns null value, this will be ignored and ScanCallback.onScanResult method won’t be called.


BLE device has a temperature sensor and emits temperature values in its advertisements every 5 seconds. Temperature values are encoded as a float value in first 4 bytes of manufacturer specific data field in each advertisement. Device address is 00:11:22:33:AA:BB.

Let’s model our data.

data class SensorReading(
    val temperature: Float

We need to implement a deserilaiser to extract the temperature from a ScanResult.

class SensorDeserializer : Deserializer<SensorReading> {

    override fun deserialize(scanResult: ScanResult): SensorReading? {
        val msd = scanResult.getAdvertisingData(type)
        if (msd != null && msd.size >= 4) {
            val temperature = msd.sliceArray(0 until 4).toFloat()
            return SensorReading(temperature)
        } else {
            return null

We can receive our sensor readings and log the temperature.

class SensorCallback : ScanCallback<SensorReading> {

    private val TAG = "SensorCallback"

    override fun onScanFailed(errorCode: Int) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Scan failed with error: $errorCode")

    override fun onScanResult(result: SensorReading) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Temperature: ${result.temperature}")

Finally, we start scanning with our deserializer and callback.

val filter = ScanFilter.Builder().addDeviceAddress("00:11:22:33:AA:BB").build()
val settings = ScanSettings.default()
val deserializer = SensorDeserializer()
val callback = SensorCallback()
Bless.bleScanner.startScan(filter, settings, deserializer, callback)